You heard the man...
I can tell you, as a former product engineer, that management is almost always the reason the end product sucks. Especially on huge projects.
@Jacob Eppy Epstein: I thought that Donnie Darko was a pretty good movie for the mind-fuck category, which I'm now realizing is one of my favorite categories.
I always feel weird reading about people who research on security and then present it at hacking conferences.
@Serolf Divad: It's plated with solid gold. None of that liquid gold mumbo-jumbo.
@Slips85: Finally, more speeeeeed
Aiaiai TMA-1 headphones, which I wouldn't have known about without Giz.
@You: Yeah, they came up with technical pros/cons for all the other tablets and that's all they could come up with for the iPad?
That music was sweet...epic bass line, good drums, it just added to the awesomeness of him flying around.
@Con Seannery is back by popular demand: I'm always weirded out when I'm reminded of how bajillions of different waves and neutrinos are passing through me at any given moment.
My friends don't believe me when I tell them there isn't a working breathalyzer app.
@Y2KGTP: More like Bluetooth Human Stalking Implants.
@RaindropBebop: I just don't want to have to look at her cleavage, that's all I want out of today.
@RT100: Holy crap that's sweet.
@YellowRex: What you just said was a perfect example of "what everyone is [subconsciously] thinking but what no one is saying".
It looks like Ryu's hair is actually a helmet and the shadow of his jaw is the strap and I can't stop seeing it that way.
@LTA: Too true.
@Obsidian: Awkwarrrrd...also, smart nerds order from newegg.
@MrNickyDubbs: Damnit, I need to get that clever.