
I really liked him, but it was the end of the night, we were a foot deep in snow, and my bus was coming. The next bus wouldn’t have been for over twenty minutes in the literal, still falling snow. So I ran like hell for that bus. And made it. And realized I forgot to: say goodnight, kiss the boy, do anything that made

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

See, I’m thinking if I could make sets. A lot of the stuff I want to get rid of is series that I tried out for a few issues or an arc, which wouldn’t get as much interest on eBay as a full run. Like, I have a bunch of Warren Ellis titles, so maybe I can get rid of those in one lot instead of individually.

This would much easier if I was single. Obviously this can only work if you and your partner both share the same mindset. If I had my way, I would throw away 75% of the things we own and start over. Unfortunately, my wife gets upset with me when I throw anything out. Many times she has found useless garbage in the

That’s the thing when you make space to enjoy the things you really like rather than pile up stuff just for the sake of stuff.

Just wait until we all purge annually:

This article read back to back with the “i collect action figures” article, and the articulate and helpful comments therein is a bit of a cognitive disconnect ;)

However, i do concede, that a mindful collection is absolutely not clutter, and does bring the owner happiness.

Rio Olympics motto:

Just let him know that it’s going tibia okay.

I was saying Booooorady.

They’re not booing. They’re saying “Booooorady”

I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant

Well, it might indirectly. If a site knows that visitors will be potentially be warned to stay away if they have multiple “Download” buttons, then they may be more likely to avoid that. So, in order to comply and get rid of the warning, only the real Download button will be left.

Real data shows that child abductions have been trending down for years, but people’s perception is that they have been trending up.

Unless they have definitive proof of abuse, parents should leave other parents alone. They’re not your kids ffs.

I realize that I am an old hoot who raised two responsible kids with only moderate restrictions but with all this hoopla about helicopter parents and not allowing them to walk 1/2 block to school, I think parents today are missing the point. I believe that from the day you bring that little bundle of joy home from the

Dude, having adults around don’t make them supervised. If I leave a 2 year old alone at the pool, is he being supervised by those other adults?

Comedians in Cars Getting Cannabis