
I'm just gonna take a minute to get excited about the fact that a black woman, Shonda Rhimes, is creator, writer, and producer of THREE primetime shows back to back on a major network, two of which have black woman leads.

Dammit. I had my "bailed out by Evgeni Malkin again?" joke loaded and ready to go.

I've always thought that the problem is the baseball season is just too damn long and too many games. The season is six months and then tack on the playoffs. there is 162 games, so no one game feels like it is that important, which means collectively no games are important, which means you follow the team far more

So what you're saying is you don't get it?

THIS. My husband is bisexual. Usually the only times he really talks about it is when people say homophobic things around him. In those moments, it's an effective way to let people know that you can't just assume that everyone in an opposite sex relationship is straight and homophobic. It challenges their assumptions

Yeah, yeah, all disclaimers about how I Am Not the Expert apply. That said, *to me,* it is exactly the same as some white person "coming out" as a POC because they want everyone to know their grandmother is Cherokee. Okay, great. That's part of who you are; embrace it. You do you. But NO, you don't get the

Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?

Actually, as A Bisexual Person, I honestly don't feel like I need a bunch of married ladies to brag about how they totally do have fantasies about Jennifer know, for the cause. I don't give a shit what you fantasize about. Queerness is a lived identity, not how you feel in your heart of innermost

Prudence makes bad calls all the time. I think the one that bothered me most was this one:

There's a general gap, there's also a bigger gap when you account for gender disparity.

Ok, time for a lecture on biohazards! (This is work-related for me, so I apologize in advance for being super dorky.) While it is *technically* true that Ebola is not an "airborne" disease, that is true in the strictest scientific sense - 'airborne' meaning "is capable of aerosol transmission via inhalation, even when

And she drew this like fifteen years ago!

The award goes to her PR team. Good work.

Yeah...this sort of is like all the ALS ice-water challenge videos: embarrassing to watch and a way for the do-er to feel good about themselves, but ultimately for a good cause.

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

So why does this penis disappearing refractory people only happen to straight men and not gay men who very often have sex like lesbians (take turns blowing each other)? Amazing. Straight men are amazing. I think they are just too lazy to finish a woman off after coming because they are selfish. But, what I do know

This makes me so sad for straight people.

Ah. The male refractory period. Is like that thing that happens to women where they get sleepy and relaxed after orgasm? Men, they're just like us!!

Which hormone?

Not shocked. Beyond comfort and familiarity, I think a lot of the difference could be chalked up to the focus on mutual orgasm during intercourse. Same-sex couples engage in more turn-based sex, while straight couples tend to focus on each partner reaching orgasm during vaginal intercourse. Many women find it