
I wish more people were like you. My rule is that I will correct the mistake unless doing so would be hugely inconvenient (like if I already drove home and the store was far away) — at that point, I don't think I should have to drive all the way back because of someone else's mistake unless it was a substantial

That was exactly the system at my store too. I hate those stickers. They were so easy to switch We usually knew, but it led to a lot of arguments.

I sympathize — I've had the same experience in clothing stores (for some reason, clothing stores are the worst about this, maybe it's the rack system.) My peeve is more with people who seize on obviously misplaced merchandise to demand things — like a vase gets left in the towel section, and they insist that "Towels:

Hahaha that's hilarious. I think people have pent up frustrations over not getting what they were promised in life or something, and it causes them to become enraged in these situations even when their position is obviously indefensible. Like, clearly more is going on there than an intense need to obtain three DVDs

Yeah, same thing happened at my store — all of our tags were stickers, so devious customers would try this all the time. We also had stickers that said simply "40% off" or "60% off" — and customers would just take one from a sale item and put it on another item.

My main issue was with people who seized on any opportunity to demand a price that was obviously not the real price — like if a crystal vase has both a "Vase $199" tag and a "Candy $1.99" tag stuck to it, and they pitch a fit demanding the vase for $1.99. Or if something has obviously been placed in the wrong section

Ugh. I worked retail for a number of years, and I often had to deal with customers presenting merchandise that was obviously mislabeled, or that had been placed under the wrong sign. We'd have a shelf of towels for 40% off, and some lazy customer would discard a completely different item on the shelf instead of

... until you get sick.

I mean, I live by myself and I do all of that stuff. I carry my groceries home from the store (1 mile away), I installed my own window air conditioner, and I've never been unable to open a jar or a door because of arm strength. Maybe your life involves a lot more heavy things than my life does (my job is to sit and

It's okay, I think I can live with that. :)

I've recently realized that I'm incapable of doing even one real pushup. I run and play soccer, but I don't do anything with my upper body in daily life (or at the gym, except the elliptical which I don't think does much for the arms). Even the modified pushups are rough. I suppose if I worked at it, I could

The idea that Millennials should stop whining because other generations had it rough is not helpful, and missing the point. The combination of crushing student loan debt, and a horrible job market, will affect my generation's financial situation for decades — this is a quantifiable reality (which we know from studies

Getting back to the subject of the article, though, please don't share your thoughts on this subject with children because your views are terrible. Nobody's body is "disgusting" except in your head.

I agree — differing opinions on the quality of VS aside, I think it's good for teenage girls to have bras and underwear that make them feel attractive in their new bodies. I know I felt better about myself when I had bras and underwear that I liked. Teenage girls want to feel attractive (and yes sexy) because the

Wait, you have to blog every day, in three different languages? And you have to move your stuff to a different room each day? This is not a sleeping job, it's a writing and moving your stuff job. Way too much work.

I found their handling of the rapes in Season 3 unhelpful and tiresome. The campus feminists were portrayed really badly — they didn't care if men were falsely accused of rape, and one of the feminists made a false accusation herself (Claire). The show made them out to be so angry and ideological that they didn't

I've never gone to one of these. My other friend (the bride's Best Friend) got guilted into going and spent a fortune, so I was thinking of her when I wrote this. As much as I agree with you in principle, there was no good option for her — it was easy for me to decline because we're not that close, but it would have

Don't worry, I didn't. This comment was more about the audacity of the invitation.

At first I was a little miffed that you expected me to pay for plane tickets and a hotel room in a city I loathe, just so I can watch you get obnoxious and plastered for 8 hours. But then I saw your link to a website where you can search for great deals on travel. Rock on!! And with your promise that it will be

I wish I could vow to avoid them over this, but CVS is my retail therapy outlet. When I'm feeling stressed, I wander through the aisles for so long that the employees start asking if I need help (in that way that makes it clear they think I could be stealing). I look at every cosmetic and hair product, and I enter