How many chainsaws do you think would fit in your fat ass?
If you actually think the dark knight is "really bad" then you are an idiot and I feel sorry for you.
It's funny because you have no authority over anyone.
Ohhhh look at the mentally ill baby whine.
Several prominent gawker/deadspin writers were on the shitty men in media list and yet not a fucking word from you hypocrites
“force" ? Nobody forced her to accept anything.
You could go first. Or continue being your day unintelligent self. That's actually more depressing.
The opinion of a person as physically unattractive as yourself is meaningless.
Every single article? Nah
Look everyone, a shrill lying fatty is talking.
God you're annoying. Not having actual facts to back up your broad statements has never held you back though.
God you're annoying.
You’re a better person than me.
Just dismiss and ignore. Potterpoet is one of the dumbest most obnoxious people on kinja.
Yeah men are never beaten and murdered. Never.
Please just stop talking.