
She didn’t and hasn’t named Hardwick, correct? This is something that has bothered me about this particular incident — she published this essay (good for her, and it’s terrible she went through this kind of relationship) but didn’t name the abuser (okay, her choice) but then everyone piled on the guy they assumed she

this is like the 5th time he’s used a version of this apology. 

No, it is stupid to think this Dan Harmon incident is an isolated scenario. And it is stupid to treat it as such.

I don’t think you know what a straw man is, bud.

Fucking exactly! It’s all right there in front of our faces. For example change around the letters of ‘DEEP STATE’ a little bit and what do you find? Oh, interesting, you get several percent of the letters of ASTROS FAN,’ just do the math. I’m just ASKING QUESTIONS here don’t make this about me.

I think it’s adorable that you don’t see how this is a classic false flag (false fan?) operation. This is an “Astros”fan”, but he’s in Colorado. Who is seated to his left? Colorado fans. To his right? Colorado fans. And lo and behold, who’s that directly in front of him? Crisis actor Gerardo Parra. Parra obviously

[Pedantic comment warning.]

Should have been ejected earlier for being a grown man who brings a glove to a ballgame.  

I don’t understand why you think you know the playstyle of the players better than the people who were injured by them.

So wait....First you thought I was mad because “a white guy had to explain himself.

Again - wasn’t replying to the article. Was replying to a comment about Cernovich and what he keeps trying to do to political enemies via the internet and the perpetual outrage machine that is Social Media or do you think Dan Harmon just deleted his Twitter account for funsies?

I know this terrible, terrible news. I beg you not to harm yourself.

Fuck recognitions.

Guys, Joey is clearly just a Recognitions alt account, as evidenced by them showing up to post something agreeing with or defending recognitions wherever they post something.

so whats the takeaway? investigation found out that the allegations were either false or hyperbole? or AMC is trash? i think suspension then thorough 3rd party investigation, then final decision is a fair route in cases like this. ones that are basically he said/she said. curious to the investigation and if this

Nah, Recognitions is a long-known shithead on this site.

I’m familiar enough with recognitions’s body of work, such that it is, that I feel fairly confident in my assessment of his/her impact on this little community. Different strokes for different folks, though, Joey.

I’d say that I’m looking forward to the moment when you have that grand epiphany—that you’re part of the problem--but I doubt that you possess anything close to that level of self-awareness. 

what do you mean?

fat men. Fat men.