I think it would be a fine take if it weren’t so transparently cyborg-ass Mitt Romney grasping for the thing to say that would most make him seem like A Regular Red-Blooded American Male. There’s zero chance it’s actually true.
I think it would be a fine take if it weren’t so transparently cyborg-ass Mitt Romney grasping for the thing to say that would most make him seem like A Regular Red-Blooded American Male. There’s zero chance it’s actually true.
Guess what else has real rules, real governing bodies, over 1000+ leagues, an international championship, with way more than 37 countries involved, has multiple playoffs and Championships across multiple leagues, and millions of more people around the world than roller derby who are heavily invested and interested.…
Oh you mean the “sport” one step above lingerie football which made a brief appearance in the mainstream in the mid 00's as glorified professional wrestling?
“genetic luck” or not, Tom Brady is famous because of his talent. Kim K is famous b/c she had sex on camera and has a rich dad. There’s a big difference between the two, even if, today, they’re kind of viewed the same way.
Yeah, I don’t know what world she’s living in where people don’t shit on sports media all the time.
She’s technically correct, but also completely wrong. People have been bitching about the scammyness of sports media for decades.
Alice Wetterlund’s comments are ‘woke’. She realized that the situation was ‘problematic’, and that the year 2018 is all about ‘representation’.
Oh, great, two of the most unbearable people on AV Club have come into contact. You know, Splinter is right over there. This is like shitting in the middle of the living room when the bathroom is just down the hall.
That blog you’re taking at face value calls Hillary Clinton a “center right war hawk” so I’m guessing you and its author aren’t exactly coming at this from a place of reason and clarity.
Zoe Kazan is Elia Kazan’s granddaughter, not daughter. Regardless of their relationship, we can’t all be held accountable for things are relatives did. Her Nylon interview (the only place I’ve seen her discuss politics) veered farther left than right.
Zoe Kazan is actually the granddaughter of Elia Kazan, and is pretty liberal, so I don’t know what the fuck hot take you’re trying to make but it sure looks dumb.
I can’t say what they were “supposed” to do but I can tell you what I would like my co-workers to do if I were in this situation. If someone is insulting or demeaning me, tell them to fucking stop it, it’s not cool, and it’s not funny. Maybe privately tell me if I ever wanted to lodge a formal complaint with the…
Proving for the billionth time why Twitter is garbage, you can’t even begin to break down what she’s saying based on 140 characters. But that damn sure won’t stop people from trying! The subject of the Tweets is someone who was actually fired for his antics. It’s hard to believe the show was “complicit” with his…
He lived in like 4 different cities when he was coming up as a standup
Holy crap, I had no idea. That really doesn’t ever get mentioned.
He literally had a golf ball size chunk of his frontal lobe removed in 2010. The part of your brain that deals with judgement, impulse control, and other things related to his actions.
Honest question, what makes the male cast members complicit, let alone any less a “victim” of Miller, than Wetterland? If one of the male cast members where tweeting this and saying Wetterland was complicit, would we automatically agree with them just because they announced it first? I’m just trying to play devils…
Thank you, the *checks notes* thing needed to die like 6 months ago.
“they didn’t stop it so they are complicit”
This seems to be the classic “they didn’t stop it so they are complicit” complaint. I have little doubt TJ Miller was an asshole on set, as he seems to be an asshole everywhere else, too. Alice Wetterlund is entitled to feel however she feels about her experience on the show, but that doesn’t mean her complaints about…