
I’ll admit I see a bit of a difference between straight pay-to-play and selling your own tickets. The latter at least ensures that your show is going to happen, and the possibility of recouping your money. This guy who got stiffed by not even being put on the bill should call the cops, because that’s flat-out theft.

How many news stories are there about a subject, and it describes the guy as “an aspiring rapper”.  It is much like modeling scams where people pay all kinds of money for various schooling, head shots, etc.

I would mostly agree with this except with groups of more than say, two artists. Jurassic 5, for example, is excellent live. 

“New Orleans is really dope for live music—not hip-hop,”

I dunno, I wouldn’t lose sleep over this asshat losing a job. I’m hoping his/her boss is a flaming progressive who wrecks his/her shit.

Medium is hardly “undercooked.”

Also, make your patties thin. If you want more burger, cook 2. That way, you get more crusty, seared goodness, and you don’t get a tough interior from having to overcook the meat.  

Nah. Fuck em. They stiffed that kid an at least $15 tip (if they are cheap), because they were in their racist bullshit feefees. And then had the nerve to rub it in his face in an arena where he cant fight back. Thats fucking weaksauce bullshit. Fuckem sideways with a statue of General Racist Confederate Scumbag.

Why conceal the name on the receipt? If these motherfuckers are so proud of their bigotry, let them own it.

Odessa, Texas.... good luck.  Place is a real shithole.

“My dad was in the military and a buddy that he was very close to, served with him...Khalil was killed in an accident and so my dad just named me after him, one of his best friends,”

I know doxxing is frowned upon in some circles, but in this case I’m totally okay with it. Not that I want the dude to lose his job, but it would be grand if he were never welcomed in a customer service industry—-restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls, or auto dealerships, for example. May he be forced to forsake

I had an Impossible Burger this week and I was incredibly disappointed. Anyone who says it tastes like real meat is absolutely insane - it tastes and feels *nothing* like a beef patty.

It seems weird to imply that men are automatically wrong for giving lower scores on these than women do. If white critics gave much higher scores to white-led films than black critics did, I wouldn’t go “obviously black critics aren’t doing their job properly”. 

But the point is, if you go in wanting to give something a good grade, you’re more likely to do so. There are factors influencing the scoring that have nothing to do with the quality of the film. 

That’s not an impossible statement.

There’s a difference between “I wanted to give it a good grade because ___” and “I gave it a good grade because it’s great.”

Didn’t the Ocean’s 8 AV Club review explicitly say that they wanted to give it a good grade largely because of what it was? All this stuff is politicized, that’s why Black Panther and Wonder Woman got rave reviews while being fairly mediocre films. 

This was literally my first thought. Why does an oil change shop have ANY form of cutting tool?

I want to play the victim blaming card on this one, but it’s been covered.