
This guy is wrong but so are you. You haven’t thought through the implications of what you’re saying.

Nobody cares you stupid pile of garbage.

Its a good thing that no one anywhere cares what a moralistic douchebag like you thinks about anything.

You’re an idiot.

How anyone can care about a league that intentionally stacks teams in big markets while relegating most of the teams to irrelevance is beyond me.

Stupid piece and idiot jezebel commenters. What a shock.

Fucking loser.

You should document your shitty sad life more on twitter.

Another deeply stupid article from the dumbest website imaginable.

Holy shit this is the most unfunny thing I think I’ve ever seen.

Natureslayer doesn’t know anyone. He’s just a loser with a bunch of idiotic hot takes.

Oh no someone who spends all his time here doesn’t think what I wrote is funny. What shall I ever do?

Or just some people aren’t very smart.

Yeah there definitely isn’t a website that exists that evaluates movies through the lens of gender. Sounds like super original content.

Yeah yeah, everything is offensive.

No...I’m not.

You’re doing such brave important work.

God you’re a miserable asshole.

You’re a fucking idiot.

You aren’t intelligent.