
So, theoretically... What if Breyer just say... took out two of the conservatives on his way out?

The big fear of her life is her husband, but her son’s emergent psychic powers and consequent weird behaviour resulting from them likely has her a bit on-edge as well.

but that was more of a saving knowledge under the guise of religion type of thing.  American “Christians” want to drag us all back to the Dark Ages if it means they can stay in power.

“We did all.....all the, y’ stuff. In and out, on top, behind-wise. It was such a freak scene. There was so much freaky sexing going on that you’d be like ‘OMGs, can this get any sex freakier?’. And the answer is no, it can’t get more sexified and freaked than it was during the adult party.”

The Michelada section here is kind of misleading.

For starters, you’re leaving out that the drinks are almost always rimmed with Tajin (a pepper-lime spice mix that you probably have in your US grocery store.)

Beyond that, there are a lot of local variations around Mexico and Southern California (and presumably

You’re not going to see any adjustment to this type of thinking (14 words) until you start deeply analyzing how whiteness develops families and changes institutions (churches, schools, civic organizations, financial businesses, and the military) to serve those purposes.

what the evangelicals don’t get is that THEY are the breeders of atheists. the conservative household is a perfect environment for little rebels (hi 👋) 

All the descriptions are accurate. 1.35 is about 1, about 2, and definitely 1.35.

...except that these particular “idiots with dumb theories” are in office or have connections to someone in office, thereby giving them the power to effect change--which changes everything.

Seems bad!! And seems like Cruz may eventually get hauled in front of the committee to testify.

Might I remind you of the critically acclaimed film, Kangaroo Jack?

So, they’re not teaching CRT but also NOT not teaching it? That IS pretty diabolical. Fiends!

I can never see Anthony Anderson as anything but Antwan Mitchell in “The Shield.” Holy shit, he was amazing in that show. 

Nooo, you’re supposed to name it something crazy patriotic so if QOP wants to get rid of it, they will sound like the American hating goblins they are.

Never before have I been so sad to see a person released from hospital as I was last week. Was kinda hoping he’d be leaving via another door. Sorry (not really).

Yeah, that’s cool and all, but you’ve been INVITED.


I was the 37th owner of a VW bus aboard the Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (before it became famous). The front face of the Type 2 had rusted away into shapes that were quite clearly teeth, it was missing about four feet of floor, and badly spray painted on the left side were the words “No Fat Chicks.” All

Could just be because that issue was Moon Knight’s first appearance. But yeah, I wouldn’t count out WbN/GGB appearing in Moon Knight. There’s that usual “Episode 4's ending” thing that critics have been teasing.

The GOP is always in favor of more legal protections for the in-group and more legal restraints on the out-groups. Their opinions on specific laws flow from that basic concept.