If I was going to be an effective co-parent, I’d have to have conversations with her, so no.
If I was going to be an effective co-parent, I’d have to have conversations with her, so no.
I was listening on NPR, and he kept badgering Judge Brown Jackson to answer his question, and I literally yelled at the radio “ SHE WOULD FUCKING ANSWER IT IF YOU WOULD STOP TALKING OVER HER, YOU DUMBASS.”
The problem is that red and blue states are pretty arbitrary constructs. Red voters in California aren’t less ignorant than the ones in Indiana, there just happen to be enough blue cities to overwhelm them at the state level.
You alright babes?
Wait until you see what they’ve got planned for Splash Mountain.
They think the mere existence of it is blasphemy. It’s existence is an open invitation for their children to sin. It’s a temptation for their children to watch — gasp! — an R-rated film! Cursing! Blood! Even, oh god, nudity!
there IS an island where you can go, it’s the Pacific Garbage Patch where you can hang out with the rest of the trash, ya uncultured swine!
Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
days after his private plane had to make an emergency landing due to an engine failure.
Just on Tuesday I had an amazing grilled cauliflower dish for a fancy office “going away lunch” for a coworker. Rainbow cauli slabs, grilled to a light char, with za’atar, zhug and some kind of citrus (maybe sour orange?), with steamed green beans and mint, and a generous amount of good olive oil over all of it. It…
I had a dream last night regarding the rise of a firebrand Dem politician (in Louisiana of all places) who basically just came right out and called the GOP liars and hypocrites in public in stump speech after fiery stump speech.
Thank the gods I only use Thousand Island dressing.
Uh, those Russian soldiers are “peacekeepers” intended to protect the sovereignty of the recently formed, totally legit nations of Putinstan and Russia 2.
It’s not a mystery why people in Georgia elected her to represent them. She does. The media can’t ever get to the real heart of people outside cities, but as a blonde haired, blue eyed white male that has had to spend time in the rural South, I can assure you she is not an aberration. If anything, a great many people…
Danny is great when used well. I was so bummed I wouldn’t get to see he and Ward having globetrotting adventures in s3. (Ward was the best character in Iron Fist tho, apologies to Colleen, who was also awesome)
They’re protesting the fact that Republicans aren’t a permanent majority in all three branches of gov’t, and that Drumpf isn’t President for Life.
Ditto. I have a list of reasons for liking IM2, while I have a larger list of reasons for not liking IM3 (I’m admittedly a sucker for seeing RDJ in the early practical Iron Man suits/harness). I’ve rewatched both movies too and the pros and cons are still there.
It’s not Texas — it’s Texas Republicans. There are plenty of Texans who are adamantly against everything Gregg Abbott and work to try and stop him and the rest of the Texas Lege. They can’t overcome entrenched traditionalism or electoral rules that actively work against them alone, however.
The guys who who wrote this show don’t know squat.