Duckface Killah
Seriously. People randomly hanging out in cars, blasting music at 3am, are usually drunk, high, or up to some shit. Usually a combination of the three. If this had been a couple of black women I’m sure the usually ‘not racists’ would be all over the place with assumptions. They were thugs, they should have just walked…
This movie is on a short list of movies I label “very good but will never watch again” on account how stressed out they make me. (Another entry is Sexy Beast, because Kingsley’s performance is like being beaten with a sack of doorknobs; Suspiria was on the list for years because it caused a bummer acid trip when I was…
Call me Noob Noob, because this episode had me like, “God... DAMN!!!’
Holy shit....what you said is scary but true. See it all the time.
“With Great Power comes Great Responsibility, Blah”
I fucking miss you, Obama.
This infighting about venture capital and Brewers Association definitions is stupid, but it does distract from a more concerning trend, which is large, monopolistic companies like A-B InBev buying up smaller, but well-known breweries. While I don’t give a rat’s ass about whether Dogfish Head or Stone took some venture…
Yo homie if you don’t like this porta-potty why you hanging out in it looking for a handjob?
Yeah, wait, have we reached a point at which people aren’t down with Bram Stoker’s Dracula? I know it’s an oldie, and all, but c’mon.
“and Francis Ford Coppola’s very something-or-other, Bram Stoker’s Dracula”
I think we can all agree that the global, multinational enterprise called the trans-Atlantic slave trade, built on a…
In 2011, historian Corey Robin published The Conservative Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin. In…
Clarkisha, pointing out the NYT as part of this rhetorical problem is exactly on target. Right after the inauguration, the NYT published a story about how unqualified Rick Perry is to lead the Dept. of Energy, and then New York magazine went to the unfathomable step of saying that they had been a purveyor of “fake…
Somewhere in the good ol’ book, there’s a saying that goes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Now, I’m about six…