What a waste of time that interview was. Stormy and her attorney make accusations... and that’s it. We knew all that already. No evidence, nothing verifiable, no new info.
What a waste of time that interview was. Stormy and her attorney make accusations... and that’s it. We knew all that already. No evidence, nothing verifiable, no new info.
Fuck off with the “PLEASE WHITELIST US!!!!” bullshit. We’ve been through this a hundred times; stop interjecting 30 fucking ads when I’m trying to read a damn article, and I’ll unblock you.
The worst city in the country. There isn’t even a close second.
Congratulations Nintendo, you really went out of your way to show there really is no joy in your company here. I bet you spent a ton of things me and money to figure out how it got there in the first place and fired somebody over this as well. Bravo.