
God a travesty of a movie has too much cash I guess

In this day and age this is a joke.

Hope Epic is sued for a ton of money, stop trying to pick on people because YOU left holes in your trashy free to play game, what a joke of a company.

fuck EA for making games that cost 2k+

20$?? cheapest I found was 30.... frankly destiny is better than COD WWII buy 20 miles.

#1 tip don’t pay for movies, download them all, stream the rest.

Some gamers calculated that it would take six years of playing two hours a day to unlock all the features in Battlefront II without handing over any real money. Paying for everything, meanwhile, would cost over $2,000.

The system is fucked, every corporation is making it harder and harder to enjoy the games we had to buy in the first place. Fuck all the micro-transaction BS and the companies who support them.


have a buddy who’s a season ticket holder often letting them go for “face”

Stubhub is such a fucking joke these days. People have been complaining for years...hopefully someone slaps them in the face and changes all the shady practices they encourage.

Hate when women think everything in the house needs to be perfectly clean, go waste someone else life.

Best joke of the article “The same can be said if all your friends have PS4s, and you’re planning on a lot of multiplayer Destiny” Bungie made the game so if you play more than 3 hours a week one is an actual moron....such a disappointment.

What a joke article.

This girl is whats wrong with the future...what is she 10 I’m going shopping even though I have no money I’m rich

Facebook constantly over writes my privacy settings, go figure they’re recording everything...

I do this for free everyday, it’s called Jailbreak.

hate hate hate videos. I live in the mountains of CO. Nothing worse than forced videos on DSL!!!

hate hate hate videos. I live in the mountains of CO. Nothing worse than forced videos on DSL!!!

She sounds like a moron. Please run away before the money goes to your heads. Shitty trojan devices good lord!!!!