
Just a reminder to male show runners: both Burn Notice and Person of Interest managed to write complicated female characters with past trauma who got into various risky situations without once threatening them with sexual violence. It can be done.

“America as a country has a very fucked-up attitude regarding sex and sexuality...”

More like Slaytanists!!!!

Homegrown terrorists do.

There’s no getting through to these folks, violent aggressors who still want to play the victim, having their cake and eating it, too. Because, y’know, white Christians are under attack in this country, obviously.

Anti-choice. That’s the proper term and one I’ve heard used a lot. I like it because it really gets at what the movement is all about: restricting freedoms. These people don’t give a shit about life.

They just need a new name, other than pro-life. How about alt-life?

But he remembers exactly that he was holding his innocent hand in a very unusual way to put it around someone. He’s fuzzy on how he was holding the hand that can be seen in the photograph- which he’s likely looked at a 1000 times to see how he can wriggle out of what he did. Not credible at all to me.

In other news, man accused of sexual assault claims he didn’t engage in sexual assault.

Can we all organize and write to JK Rowling to stop supporting Johnny Depp?! He should not be featured in the HP universe! For those that don’t know he had an unadvertised cameo in Fantastic Beasts, which will likely last through the next 4 movies. I know I wouldn’t have seen the movie if I had known he was in it, and

We call that Freedom Foam.

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?