
Yesterday I got every dime my wife and I spent on this game refunded, and we have no plans to spend any money or time on this game in the future until Niantic starts acting like a modern game studio. Their silence and ignorance is unacceptable. You would think that tens of millions of users and millions of dollars a

Thank you for this. It needed to be said. This is a shit show and we all got duped. Now they are trying to avoid responding to refund requests. Finally the gushing and nostalgia feelings are gone and we see the subpar game we got.

The Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 team called, they want their logo back.

One thing they don’t make clear enough is that Iron Man’s & Cap’s positions are reactions to events of previous movies. Iron Man’s need for greater controls surely stems from his Ultron experiment going tits-up, & the last time Cap worked under a government agency it turned out to be run by Hydra.

Wow. There is an amazing amount of Final Fantasy XV news here today. It’s almost like Kotaku thinks we’re going to play it or something. Maybe we will if it’s the only news we see for the next few months.

man really don’t like that stand by me is the vocal song of the game. nothing gainst the song or the cover which is pretty good but a song like this is just not the same as something like melodies of life. was hoping the leona lewis stuff with ff13 was a one time thing but nope..

I have a hard time believing that a significant number of those 51% were actually informed about the importance of encryption and the perils of back-door access by the government (tee hee), and were rather more of a “terrorists bad, Apple must help good guys fight bad guys let’s waterboard those phones” knee-jerk

Most Americans are stupid and can’t appreciate the repurcussions that this would have. All they hear is “terrorist” and they are willing to give up whatever rights they need to to bust him. Good on Apple and Facebook for standing up to this over-reaching.

I loved Avatar but I’m also aware of how highly derivative it’s story was. But, let’s face it, most of what’s new in Hollywood is highly derivative so I don’t normally hold that against a film. At least it wasn’t the trope parade that Oblivion was. Obviously, I’m only talking about original works and not works

“Not too bad for a weekend job over 2 years with less than 500k in dev cost eh?” Uh dude, yeah that is bad. Especially when I can go grab the list of features that you were supposed to have done in that 2 years with the amount of money you raised. What an awful team lead. And cut it out with the (we’re not ready to

New Zealand should just get it over with an change the entire country name to Middle Earth and just go all in.

This list was written to start a war.

It was the music for me, I caught it immediately from there.

Sony to Microsoft:

Holy shit Oh my god I am 30 and I feel like a 12 year old kid again this is so awesome

At first I was like... it looks kind of like FFVII, cool vibe... then I was like, holy fucking ass shit he has a gun arm.. and that’s Cloud!! HOW?? What?? oh... WHAT??? Stop!!! FUUCK ME!!

OH MY FUCKING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mentioned, when I read about this, that I don’t get why they need a new Independence Day. My mom was enraged, which didn’t make a lot of sense to me. Until she went ‘Why would they change it from July 4th?!’

Wow, it looks just like it. Kinda makes me feel I could live somewhere like that, even though I like big cities...