
Nausicaa of the valley of the wind is great and mature. The original manga is even better, since the movie is based on the first volume.

Roughly 2 years for macbooks which means I can resell for a decent value and get the newest! YAAAY

Smaller one is probably better for travelling and acting as an actual mobile unit. I'd buy the larger one if I were to primarily use it at home...

Stupidity aside. This sounds like a pretty hard job. Can't imagine lying there and trying to stay awake while looking asleep. I assume they can't fall asleep themselves, otherwise how they are going to charge that hand or leg or head. Unless of course they have multiple hidden cameras everywhere. Lovely. Oh you,

Makes me wonder what sort of security is in place. A camera ? oh trololol.

I think I just lost my appetite for the day. Why, of all days, did I choose to scroll through Kotaku in Google Reader...

Dude, get a replacement if yours had a scratch out of the box. Apple should happily give you a new one.

Omgosh, I loved it. She's so beautiful and that was so beautiful! Congratulations guys :)

C'mon guys, the video's obviously a joke... right? That's how I viewed it anyway...

I don't remember seeing any Android phone as sleek as this design. They were mostly plasticy toylike things that were too big to handle in one hand. o_O

I was just asking the bf earlier why people buy a sexy phone to make it fugly as hell with fugly cases.

What? Is this it? There's no more? Whatever happened to showcasing a ton of Vita games? What's going on?

They better bring zombies to the Vita version man.

Thaaaaaaaaaaat... would be me. Love zombies to the max. Couldn't care less about the SP or MP in BO, because it serrrrrked. Or alright, to be fair, it would be 15% MP and 85% Zombies. :]

I will not buy the iPhone, I will not buy the iPhone, I will not buy the iPhone... oh god, I must not buy the iPhone.

Huh, the white one looks better than the black one?!?! Not quite sure what to make out of it, but nice to see some new models.

Stupid Australia. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a 32GB outright at the price of $749. But at $899 here, they're really pushing it... but you know what, we're just sooooooo rich, so we'll get it anyway right! Assholes.

I'm really digging the design. The spec, to me, is the 4S upgraded. But hey, I thought the 4S was a pretty good phone so this only makes it better. It's not exactly a beast of a beast of a beast and omgfkinggod powerful, but look at the design! Dat build-quality! So incredibly good looking.

Let's face it, the best Android phone is probably the Samsung Galaxy and that shit is huge. And yes, I have uniquely small hands that I've found can grasp an iPhone with ease. What is so hard to understand? If you have big hands and can hold and browse and use a big Android phone with no issues, then good for you. For

You missed the point, I wasn't talking about the 'back' button, just holding it in general. For me, if I were to hold an Android phone in one hand, I guarantee you I'll drop it in the next 10 minutes.