
BUT..! BUT>>>> Isn't Crisis Core a physical game only? Not available online? :( :( :( That game alone almost, almost got me buying a PSP. But alas, one analog stick = yeah right.

They answered the PSOne classics question through their livestream today. PSOnes will definitely be compatible, but they are prioritizing PSP titles first. Which is fine by me! As long as it's definitely going to be there in the future. My purchases will have to wait. O_O

I like this review. Just what I need to satisfy my Sony fanboi ego, and to show off to everyone else.

What an article... and even the comments... eyeballs...sweaty.

Well fuck me.

A Final Fantasy with shit music is no Final Fantasy, man.

LOL I have not seen this picture. Perfect.

You guys must really hate people with arachnophobia

Happy Chinese New Year! Gung Hei Fat Choi! And all sorts of good stuff :]


Bah! I'll support you Vita! Also my first time supporting a handheld! Screw you all who say shit about it!

So many comments about racism, ooh snappp. Hey, Asians are racist, but we can take a joke against us or at least tell when it's a joke or something unintentional. Grow some sense of humor people.

This is not racist. You're obviously not Asian.

Eh, not this bs again. Sensitive much? Sorry, I stopped reading at some dumbshit point, so maybe he mentioned something about sensitivity.

It may have been 6 years ago, but I'm still stupidly excited over any news this stupid game has to offer. FUUUUUUUUUU

Not expecting you or any other Gawker sites to go down, but at least something visible like a theme color change to black to immediately show your readers you are in fact not supporting the SOPA/PIPA. Yeah sure, people who read your site every day will see articles about it, but again, it is not immediately known what

The captain... what a dick.

It's just bad luck. I bet you, it's just every time they come across Kotaku comments, they happen to read the 2% of shit comments first.

Why won't you tell us where to not find these?!

EHHH how much is this thing going to be? I want one.