
For what it's worth, "World Enough and Time" is a quote from a poem all about waiting.

Even a whiff of The Empty Child about it: the automated system attempting to be helpful, but in reality terrifying everyone…

Take it easy, my friend.

The thing with most Moffat/Gatiss stuff is that it needs to be watched twice to get all the nuances. While I agree the ending was weak and the episode far from flawless, C+ is just silly.

Yeah I'll go with that. Thanks :)

Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on… Sorry, what were we talking about?

How does "24 years" square with "Christmas day in 4 years' time"?

Also v reminiscent of Sherlock clawing his way up a staircase after being supposedly fatally shot in "His Last Vow". Moffat again. "Self-plagiarism is style" as the saying goes.

Are you suggesting that Time Lord skulls migrate?