Here’s a helpful reminder to never settle for less than you’re worth and to always stand up and fight for the respect that you deserve from your employers
It’s not a mystery why people in Georgia elected her to represent them. She does. The media can’t ever get to the real heart of people outside cities, but as a blonde haired, blue eyed white male that has had to spend time in the rural South, I can assure you she is not an aberration. If anything, a great many people…
My old roommate, who happens to be black, went to a karaoke bar with a few friends, and sang something; someone who happened to -not- be Black, came up to him later and said (direct quote), “you sing really well, and I’m not even into Black guys!”.
Indeed, Germany made it illegal to be a Nazi. And I don’t hear about too many Germans bitching and complaining about it. Unless they’re Nazis, I suppose.
No, it will only damage their ability to expand their base... which is what all of this is about. The more people understand about racism, sexism, X-ism, the less likely they are to fall for the propaganda... and the GOP is entirely sustained by false narratives, white identity, and the denial of their sustained…
Countries join NATO because they’re worried about Russian domination/invasion (given that they were victims of Russian imperialism for much of the 20th century) the last decade has basically validated their concerns
Not exactly. War, at its extremes, hasn’t changed. It’s still tanks, bombs, aircraft, and people dying, but ‘limited’ warfare has, and that’s most of what happens between major powers these days. If anything, the US’s war in Iraq and Afghanistan are flukes of the changing face of war. Most nations are too…
It’s almost as if war is somehow less relevant to society. Weird.
Listen, I’m from NYC born and raised. This guy puts on a fucking show of being some affable, incompetent asshole but he’s really a shark. Don’t let the big clothes and goofiness fool you (he got his acting chops from Vincent Gigante).
Someone got to Bragg and now he is compromised. There needs to be an Elliot Ness style untouchables crew put together, because it’s clear as daylight that anyone else is going to eventually be compromised and sabotage the investigation like Bragg has done.
most felt burnt out from the stress of the pandemic, disrespected for voicing their needs and micromanaged by the boards of education
I can tell you from experience as a crewmember: No. No, we would not want that. We already work enough long ass hours and being forced to do so even more is not worth the overtime that we may not even get anyway.
I wonder which GOP fuck will publicly say that Loving v Virginia was incorrectly ruled and marriage between the races should be a state’s rights issue? Because we all know it’s coming — and probably before the 2024 election.
Theron’s description of the events paired with her apology (because of course she’s apologizing) sets you up for typical “actors being fussy dickheads with each other” nonsense, but it really does seem like Tom Hardy was a completely inconsiderate asshole who revelled in disrespecting the cast and crew by wasting…
Considering that Radcliffe is the only celebrity I know to have gone on a major talk show and sung a Tom Lehrer song, I can think of far worse people to play Al. He seems like he “gets” it in the right way.
or Griswold v Connecticut
Honestly it’s amazing how Square Enix basically flies under the radar regarding its sheer ineptitude by virtue of not being Konami.
Lemme spitball here.