
Well that was much more subtle sell of New World order propaganda than his last eco babble space chicken effort, Kill the Moon.

As with most Moffat episodes I was reasonably entertained but ultimately felt cheated.
Doctor Who was always sci fi, slash fantasy, but Moffat has made it pure fantasy and in dumbing it down he has reduced the Doctor to comic strip hero.

If the BBC and Doctor Who throw one more eco-babble gaia Earth story at me I will explode. This anti human slop is all too common these days and it is becoming quite sinister, especially when we are told to trust, trust, trust.
And who should we trust, why those who we feel are harming us but are really just

After last weeks abomination we get this corker of an episode.
Capaldi and Coleman blew me away with their performances and is it too politically incorrect to say Jenna looked absolutely stunning?