
Wait, you were making a joke about the country of Colombia? The place that’s spelled differently than the city in South Carolina? Jeez. Next, please.

Give the guy a break. It has to be a seriously depressing existence to wake up every morning, and the man in the mirror is 50% Donald Trump.

Good thing that social media doesn’t decide innocence or guilt. RATIONAL people are upset because he didn’t get a fair trial.

Google Ryan Ferguson. She is responsible for finally freeing him 10 years after he was sent to prison bc of a “dream”.

So the cheerleaders, who are also professional athletes, are supposed to make ends meet via ... what, exactly? Fucking the team and hopefully getting a few bills shoved their way in return? How nice and open-minded of these conservative fucksticks to show their support for prostitution.

wait so this editorial board works near some of the richest people in the country in the OC so does this mean that they also can be paid $0.50/hour

This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.

I really don’t see much room for commentary on women’s success here, though, accidental or otherwise. It’s more about how social media and presenting an idealized image of our lives has become so all-consuming.

Oh that’s the “controversy”? That people weren’t paying sufficient attention to a baseball game? Right, because it all happens so fast, lol. I couldn’t figure out why this was a story, and I’m still kind of confused.

Well that was a cool response. The video was pretty silly, but people who were outraged about girls taking selfies at a baseball game need to get a real cause.

Yeah, this is obviously written by someone who has no dependents to take care of and has some kind of fall back (parents, etc.) that will prevent him from being homeless if he does lose/quit his job. I could easily change it to:

This was one of the whitest, most privileged articles I’ve ever read on Jezebel.

It is an interesting topic, and one that Gawker used to revel in. It was a few years back but every week it was something about the internet taking down the newspaper biz. I didn’t mind even though the personal agenda was obvious, because details about an industry I’m not in but still affects me is fascinating.

Yes, it sucks to be in a bad job and then, poor. Very insightful.

“What’s scarier, being in debt or being in that building for another six months?”

I hope that wall had insurance!

Ride that shark!