While Mother Jones certainly has the right to get out from under their image as the resting place of old potatoes on…
While Mother Jones certainly has the right to get out from under their image as the resting place of old potatoes on…
No, it’s real.
I try not to read Brooks or about him unless he’s being cleverly mocked by someone, so I didn’t know about his personal travails. Now it makes sense why he wrote an unreadable book that kinda sorta sounds like Buddhism, but without the depth.
Poor Brooks. All alone. I haven’t been so moved by a man discovering he’s not the center of the universe since back in the 80s when Bob Greene discovered to his horror that having a baby meant that his wife wouldn’t automatically have dinner on the table when he arrived home every evening.
First of all, this is the best article ever! Dick webs! Fusty boomer pissbaby! Although I wish I hadn’t read the part where David Brooks used the word “sexiness” in reference to a seder, because what the hell kind of seders are you going to, Brooks? I have been to a lot of seders (53 1/2) and there was never the…
“...enfolded by the filthy shower curtain he wears around the house like a toga while he sobs and eats ice-cream sandwiches and leaves anonymous nasty comments on Paul Krugman’s blog.”
Jim Cooke is our everything.
I love the takedown of Brooks, but holy shit, that photo up top deserves every award possible.
In the years since, he has been a reliable producer of out-of-touch, tissue-thin pronouncements on the perils of our secularized, technologized 21st century lives, virtually all of which rightly can be interpreted as passive-aggressive nostalgia for what Family Circus comics told him “outdoors” might have been like…
Wow. Wow.
Great piece, and only one small quibble. Rovell is not "harmless". His worldview is profoundly nihilistic and destructive, which itself isn't a problem, but becomes one when he incessantly peddles it to his x00,000 followers (he blocked me long ago, so I can't look up his stats). He's a sociopath with a large platform.
We enjoy making fun of ESPN sports business reporter Darren Rovell, and do so a lot around these parts, because he…
Do you guys compensate for the thirty times a day I accidentally click on the wrong story on my phone because you intentionally make the screen shift right after the site loads?
Yea! How dare he be concerned about his own health!
I'm not going to jump your shit. But the only thing hitting a child teaches them is to one day....hit a child.
I feel like you're not a real person.
Congrats, you're an abusive parent. Showing your kid not to be violent by being violent? Excellent strategy. That poor baby boy, why do you think he hits, when you show him that hitting is appropriate? And shaking? How old is he? I've seen one too many kids with fucked up vision from being shaken. But I don't think…
-Remember that time I wrote a poorly-worded and confusing email to you that was just a hair under the length of the Infinite Jest?
-I do, ole chap! I had such a silly haircut back then. Welp, let's bury the hatchet and get back to completely ruining the entire fucking world.
Come on — they'll both have a good laugh about this at the I-bank in 5 years after they've just closed the big merger that will put 16,000 people out of work....