
I don't think this is racist, but it is poorly executed. Avril might want to take some tips from Tomoko Kawase on how to pull this off while staying classy.

Skullomania's over-the-top superhero personality and sentai-styled design is one of the few highlights from SFEX. I think he would have fit SFIV pretty well since the characters' personalities seem more developed and distinguished than before.

The original PC port was based off the technically inferior PS2 version (prerendered cutscenes and all), and I believe it was also outsourced to another company. I think the comparison to the PS2 version makes sense, since it's more representative of what the PC version of Resident Evil 4 has been like until now.

No. I found Lightning working best in the first game. She had to grow up way too fast and forced herself to become a hardass before FFXIII began. She's not very good at being a complete hardass. She still lets her emotions get the best of her. When she is being a hardass, she can be brutally honest, which is different

No. I found Lightning working best in the first game. She had to grow up way too fast and forced herself to become a hardass before FFXIII began. She's not very good at being a complete hardass. She still lets her emotions get the best of her. When she is being a hardass, she can be brutally honest, which is different

It's trailers like these that make me wish there was a 60 FPS video streaming service.

This year has been weird.

I haven't played Super Mario 3D Land but I have a feeling DKCR is more challenging; the original Wii version was kicking my ass at some points. So if you don't mind the challenge, DKCR is fantastic, and Tropical Freeze seems to be a continuation of that.

I didn't realize this was coming out so soon!

I wholeheartedly agree. There are way too few methods of adding replayability to these types of games.

There isn't too much to say about XIII-2, other than how its events affected the relationships between the characters. If you don't mind a quick explanation (I'll try to avoid major spoilers) then feel free to read on.

Considering this series, it would be a...different kind of fanservice.

I haven't played it, but I hear it's clunky and frustrating, especially the first game. There are playthroughs by The Dark Id for both 1 and 2, and I was content with reading those. You can still grasp the dark and unpredictable nature of the plot and characters, but Id injects some much needed humor..

I personally prefer "Brave or Default", with both words being used as verbs. They are related to major aspects of the battle system and plot.

I'm surprised so few of the women in the series are playable in this game though. There are definitely some more major ones that could be featured, like Lisa Lisa, the mentor from Part 2 who went on to inspire Rose from Street Fighter.

This got me thinking. I wonder why early console games feature limited continues?

The PSP version is a lot more streamlined on a whole since it's on a portable system. Loading times are better, and you can speed up cutscenes and battles. The original battle system suffered from a somewhat slow interface and animations. There's also an option for a newly arranged soundtrack, much like Innocent Sin.

That's too bad about the PSP port. I was really looking forward to that, but I guess I should have figured Atlus USA wasn't localizing it with Persona 4 Golden out and Soul Hackers on the way. I think Eternal Punishment is great, but it could really use the updated battle system from the port to help with pacing, not

I'm hoping to hear more about this game. I only played a little bit of EOII and I felt like I kinda ran into a wall when I learned that the people who had a better understanding of the game micromanaged their party's skills—not just the MP to spend them, but the skill points to level them. Something about resetting

The bosses and even some of the regular encounters can really tear up your party, so you have to be prepared at all times. It can be pretty tense.