A much sterner burner to go the distance

I think you’re forcing the racist angle. There’s next to no customization for anyone in the game. I can’t have a Caucasian avatar with short hair, either.

I’m a black dude so I definitely found it annoying that there isn’t an option for curly hair, but there also isn’t an option for short hair or no hair or anything that isn’t the default option with a different color. Same with skin tone (but it is there, and that’s still a step forward from a lot of other games).

You spent the last 37 years of your life being able to see a semblance of representation on the media you enjoy and you slink over here to pishposh the grumblings of minorities. And that’s all it is: a collective sigh...a muttering of frustration...a palaver that just MIGHT get overheard and heeded. It’s not even

Not disagreeing. Just saying Go is shit and really doesn’t cater to anyone that isn’t similar to the generic character models. It’s not a lame ass excuse cause there is no excuse. They didn’t try on any front.

oh fuck right off, there is no hair style customization of any kind beyond color, you could make the same argument for any hair style, it’s not a race thing

my dad couldn’t find Black dolls for my younger sister and me, so he bought us white dolls

Lol, seriously, who the fuck cares? My avatar looks nothing like me either. What about fat people? Why aren’t they clamoring for more character creation options? Oh that’s right, because normal people don’t give two shits what the digital representation of their character looks like in a FREE-TO-PLAY, MOBILE VIDEO

This game has been a dumpster fire of functionality, and you’re mad because the curtains clash with the armoire?
Like I really, personally, get it, but pick your fuckin battles.

Oh come on! Don’t make Pokemon about race! I mean, I get it. I understand feeling misrepresented. I come from a country that is ignored at large on behalf of being technically considered “third world”.

But why isn’t anyone catering to ME!

what kind of silly shitshow is this? clicked over here from kotaku not knowing id be sent to jez...

oh no there is no none ANIME (not white, anime) style hair! the skin tones arnt perfect! oh no!

i swear people look to find outrage in everything just so they can have something to be angry about

Im a Spanish/Norwegian mutt, I do not feel represented by the trainer customizing choices in Pokemon Go. Should I get paid to write an article about this horrific injustice? fuck no. #blacktrainersmatter? If this is an actual downer on your life, you need to re-evaluate your life and pull your head out of your ass.

“But it’s likely that the conversation about the avatars in general hasn’t taken off because...”

I’m sorry but this article seems to be just an attention grab by using race as a touchy subject.

Perhaps there’s an argument that spending the money to offer realistic customization for Black girls doesn’t make fiscal sense because they are a small percentage of the gaming audience.

If any of you understood game development, you’d understand the reasoning for this; note that pretty much all girls (regardless of skin color) basically have the same hair. This is because in the grand scheme of things, its much easier to make one “asset” (in this case the hair) and recolor it a dozen times in order

This is disgusting. Niantic obviously doesn’t want black people playing their games. They obviously hate black people. Thanks for blowing the lid off this, Aliya. I know I won’t be playing again. This is outrageous. I am outraged.

Cause it’s a cheaply made mobile game with zero effort put into customization? You can’t alter anything. Guys all have the same spikes hair. You pick colors and that’s it. It has less features than a flash dating sim.

“There’s no excuse for not adding in a few more skin colors,” she adds.

Ok, i know the racial problem in USA is huge and this is a sensitive moment, but come on, the avatars in Pokemon Go are really constrained by nature, you are a girl with a pony-tail or a boy with a weird anime hair style, that’s it. I don’t look in any way to the avatar on the game not because of my skin tone but