
Excuse me! We have always been at war with Eurasia. We have never been at war with Eastasia.

Wake me up when they remake Colossus: The Forbin Project. I require all of my supercomputer overlords to have access to nuclear weapons.

"to discover that her job at the solar panel factory is on the chopping block"

Damn you, Rod! You and your Mass Solar three kilowatt nano-based solar powered system is so affordable other companies can't keep up.

I'm the locksmith, and I'm a locksmith.

I wouldn't asking him anything since I wouldn't know when he'd respond. The waiting is the hardest part.

1) You think you can tell Heaven from Hell?
2) Blue skies from pain?
3) Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
4) A smile from a veil?
5) Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
6) Hot ashes for trees?
7) Hot air for a cool breeze?
8) Cold comfort for change?
9) Did you exchange a walk on part in the war

Outside of the Beatles I would say the sitar also worked just once, "Hooked on a Feeling" (B.J. Thomas version).

If I had to pick one MASH christmas episode it would be the one where Winchester donates chocolates to the orphanage. It's silly but it gets me every time.

Oh "Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny". As the guys at Rifftrax say, who can forget that classic Santa line, "“We’ve established that, uh, we will try to make it, won’t we?”

There are two things I remember about that show. One, is that there was always one clear winner each episode who actually put effort into their act (unlike any of the others). Two, amazingly somehow there was nothing on opposite it that was better than it.

The last few minutes of The Caine Mutiny aggravated me so much, What was an interesting movie went so far south for me after the trial. It's where Jose Ferrer is laying a guilt trip on everyone else about they were equal to if not more responsible for the actions of Queeg as Queeg himself. The captain let his guard

I haven't seen the episode yet (so I don't know if there is any reference to it), but I find the episode title so amazing since it's a lyric from the Sam Cooke song "Cupid".

Leonard Maltin gives your comment two-and-a-half stars.

From Grover bringing out a tiny hamburger then a large wall-breaking hamburger to Don Music singing "Mary Had a Bicycle", the show taught me as a kid that the unexpected can be very funny.

How else are they going to introduce a new man-on-the-street-interview reporter played by Ray Stevens?

"I'm an evil mastermind. I own a bowling alley. Two separate things." — Ed

I'd rather control Roger Whittaker.

The entire Arrow team struggles to capture a guy who stole a Grand Designs DVD.

"Suuuuuuuuupermaaaan…. 's colleague."

So this isn't a follow-up to Daryl Hall's solo album?