
2k19Their argument is incredibly stupid. They’re entirely aware that their mods have player modding dependency. The only reason they’re mad is because someone else is making more money off of pieces of code they own, which isn’t even in majority, isn’t a problem when other modders use it in their work for free. Even

Some YouTuber released a video about it and said it was in kickstarter, so it's not really his fault for being misinformed.

Skyrim was and is an amazing game. The engine was revolutionary and is smoother since the remastered edition. This mod would have some technicalities but that doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time. Skyrim has been a huge social and market trend for years after its release. Players have 1000s of hours clocked in on it. ESO

StudioFOW is absolutely one of my favorite sites for these animations. I’m glad that I find some people who know about it ^.^

I think that when you do the side missions, it gives you exp, abilities points, and new looks to your weapons along with a small boost to each weapon. (Legendary Missions). I’m necroing hard ;(

Maaaan, fuck all that. I just miss my Nemesis buddy from the story......Ratlig has been with me since the beginning, through all the shanks and stabs....when he hasn’t spawned in forever, i get sad... It’s like losing a friend. He always makes me happy when he comes up to me covered in scars or bandages...always