
Please don’t tell me anymore about this guy.  Don’t ruin my new hero!

Toy Story IV: The Great Money Grab

Nope.  he’s got to go.  He cannot serve in that position.  NO...WAY.

“oh Shit!”

To be fair, I worked as a resident assistant in college and witnessed many students so inebriated they couldn’t control their own bodily functions. Several were removed from the dorm in body bags...not b/c they were dead, but b/c the paramedics didn’t want them messing the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global dominance.

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global dominance.

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global dominance.

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global

Loser Texas Tech head coach Cliff Kingsbury got fired from and was then promoted” to NFL head coach.

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global dominance. 

Anker is a Chinese owned company. China’s goal is to eclipse the United States of America and establish its global

I am kind of in the same boat, though I skip the MMA stuff. I will listen to just about any other episode. But just b/c I listen doesn’t mean I buy everything that his guests sell. I do enjoy the “writers and scientists”. I also like that he will ask guests questions on just about anything regardless about their area

Lots of bashing of Joe Rogan here, but I guess what we miss here (as we should w/ all celebrities with a microphone) is that they are entertainers first and foremost. They are NOT experts. If the listener has half a brain (and many of them sadly don’t) you listen with a critical ear. I enjoy listening to Joe’s podcast

And you call me “non-original”.  Hahaha 

You sound so angry.

Given your slur/accusation that he is a “cultist” it’s clear you have a problem w/ Christians or Christianity.

Here’s some free advice to famous people: You don’t have to weigh in on everything just because you’re famous. That’s not your job.”

And just b/c his church believes/espouses something doesn’t necessarily mean he does. Who hasn’t belonged to a church that did something you didn’t necessarily agree with? I know I have.

It’s funny how everyone loved Chris Pratt until he opened his mouth and everyone found out he was a Christian. Now he’s a total asshole who needs to go away. I guess he didn’t learn the lesson all of the other closet conservatives/Christians in Hollywood: Keep your mouth shut and you keep your job. Now you can no

Another promotion of Anker?  How much are they paying you to push their products on us?  

Another promotion of Anker?  How much are they paying you to push their products on us?  

Anker is a Chinese owned company. If you purchase anything from Anker you are essentially rooting for a team that openly wishes the demise of the United States of America and Democracy.

Anker is a Chinese owned company. If you purchase anything from Anker you are essentially rooting for a team that