"It took me half an hour of folding, inserting, twisting, turning, pulling out, shoving in and so on to figure out where the damn thing was supposed to be."
"It took me half an hour of folding, inserting, twisting, turning, pulling out, shoving in and so on to figure out where the damn thing was supposed to be."
@scoop.and.slam: Your church, too?! My pastor really digs puppets as well.
'A film by the Vicious Brothers'? Yeah. Okay. I'll pass.
Note to self: do not answer phone while boinking the squeeze.
Okay, that was awesome—and I totally dig the girlie with the Kanga hat.
A truer statement was never written.
@roxie: The Pakistani woman, or the casting director? I know that ethnicity doesn't always show up in skin color. Either way, we do make too much of this kind of thing.
@AnikaG: Fine. Her hot Haitian manservant/masseuse. Better?
@GamerKT: She's getting a used beater if she gets anything—my family doesn't believe in brand new Mustangs for spoiled brats.
As a Firefox user, yeah, I can see it's bloated. As an Adblock user, I can't change over to another browser. Maybe K-Meleon...
No one works on my machine but me—but I guess it pays to have a decent smartphone.
Now, see, I don't get that—what if the particular extras were of a race that was, say, light-skinned? We make too much of this shit, I swear.
Hey, Gruden, stay the fuck away from my Hurricanes. We don't want you.
Second note to self: Check peephole when I check into hotel.
@bruschetta: Yes, you're the only one.
Oh, please, say it ain't so—Tom Brady losing his hair? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
I don't get it. Just play the game. Or don't. But cheat? Lame.
@Nexus6: lol—Hearted.
Whee! Pre-rendered video. Tells me absolutely nothing.
@battra92: lol—This comment made my day.