
That he can take Marvel's first family and crap all over them?

That'll work out well. I hope she doesn't get killed.

@invaderkate: I want a time machine so I can go back to before your birthday, befriend you, and then go to your party.

Aw, that's sweet.

First thing my mom taught me: don't accost hockey players.

@JohanPaladin: I look at it this way—I'm a heart patient. I don't want to get tazed.

Oh, and PS—'Pulse' was a lot of fun.

Such a shame. Let Me In was superlative.

@Smogdini: lol—This comment amuses me.

I don't know what it was about this movie, but it scared the beejeezus out of me. The whole family dynamic really freaked me out.

Now how you gonna treat a man in a wheelchair like that?

@shinobiX200: Especially angry, 7 foot cops with steely Oakley stares.