
@The_Hellraiser: I used MSN Explorer—a horrible experience. lol

IE 8 is unusable. I'm very eager to try out the IE9 Beta, though.

Is it bad that I want to meet the bare-breasted bandits?

@vodkanaut: Now THAT, is a tragedy. I feel your pain.

What a numbnut.


Sweet. Now I won't laugh when they call it 'intelligence'.

Jeez, she looks like her dad.

@norbizness: Let me guess—HITLER! Was I right? What do I win?

Tebow's a good kid. I don't know how anyone could hate him.

@norbizness: You mistake douchewaddery with 'no-nonsense'.

Urban can do whatever he wants with his practices—so suck it, media/agent scumbags!

@jariten: You own a cape, don't you?

I'm all Millar'd out. No more Millar.

And PS—Gwen's got a rockin' ass.

Oh, whew—I thought it read 'gets a plot from Russell Simmons.'

Thin or slightly hefty, I luvs me some Jessica.

Mush Albert, mush!