Maxipads go on cunts, so this checks out.
Maxipads go on cunts, so this checks out.
Jared, I love your complete inability to express emotion or feel physical pain.
You are a workmanlike husband who provides support calmly and efficiently. Your proactive approach to love is achieving a new paradigm. 4 out of 5 stars.
Darling... Your passionate analytics and seamless integration of sustainability and storytelling help me to downsize my enterprise. The knowledge you bring of offshoring opportunities, data mining collaboration and scalability pushes me to think outside of the box.
You inspire me with your calm, stoic disposition and unwavering prioritization of that which matters most in life.
What the fuck is that on her head? She looks ridiculous
Don’t you understand?
I had to throw a guy out of a bar today because he called LeBron James an uncle tom. I’m black, he’s white, and we literally weren’t even talking to him. And this is in San Francisco.
From Reddit:
Yeah, I really don't expect your average (or goat) basketball player to be able to say anything intelligent about China. But it is pretty fucking obvious the NBA is ignoring human rights violations because they have dollar signs in their eyes. Pretty fucking simple.
The Chosen Yuan
yep. go check over on Kotaku. a very similiar situation is also happening with Activision Blizzard where they sacrificed a pro Hearthstone player to their Chinese Communist Overlords.
No matter what LeBron does, China is not going to suddenly (or even eventually) change a damn thing.
The Chinese government is not naive. It requires silence on Chinese political choices from its business partners as though they were Chinese citizens, and the NBA has offered just that.
Of course a King supports an authoritarian state.
shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it
“Chinese people buy shoes too.”
apples and mandarins
On the most generous possible read, the NBA-China news cycle has revealed just how little players and coaches have ever considered the ethical stakes of doing business with an authoritarian state.