
I played FFXI with my friends when we were in middle school. My buddy (male) played a female avatar and this happened to him. And he went with it... it was pretty hilarious at the time.

Could you guys rip off the Adam character design more plz

I’m sick of this flower wheel trend.

Tree of life? :/

My wife and I recently started SoA as our newest netflix binge. One more season to go. That song sucks so hard.

Well, that’s good to hear. I’ll try both difficulties. But yes, when I heard it was difficult that was a turn off for me.

I only cover my mouth when yawning if I’m having a one on one conversation with someone.

Welp, they just earned a buy from me. Glad to see they responded to fan feedback.

Now playing

For anyone else looking for Rami’s speech:

No. It was a great PR strategy! They just forgot to plan the second half of the strategy.

Meh. Worked ok for Apple.

Second story from this weekend that started with a Reddit post that turned out to be BS... when will we learn?

He has a point though.

I was on a Spirit flight recently that had new (to me at least) seats that were very small and light, but surprisingly comfortable. If you can pack light, Spirit is not a bad way to go. My flight from Dallas to LA nonstop was $130 round trip. 

This is exactly what I wanted from the first one. Nice! (Consoles/pc and 3rd person)

I’ve never enjoyed/played a critically panned game this much.

ummm the water cooler is strictly No Man’s Sky today.

How much did you spend on your lunch today

More like 3 hours, honestly. I understand your rational, but most people pay about the same for a crappy 2 hour movie. You’re paying for quality with Inside, not quantity. With that mindset, it definitely delivers. It’s probably the most polished game I’ve played in years.