
I love everything about this. Every. Single. Thing. So happy for you and Mr. Fantasy! 

I am thoroughly heart-warmed by all these tales of workplace romances gone right.

I WISH. *trudges along*

Thanks for clarifying my thinking on this point. Why would love disappear because the person does? We’re still in love with/love people who aren’t immediately in front of us. You have a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it. 

AMEN. Are we at the event horizon yet? *kicks seat*

This duo is straight out of a dark-ass rom com.

🙏Thank you.🙏
I’m not sure if there is truly such a thing as “soul mates” but he was very close to mine. We did this magical thing: we made each other better just by being in one anothers’ lives.
He was the love of my life - - - so far. I haven’t met another, yet. My love for him isn’t past tense; I still love him.

I got nothing. I just popped in to star the goodies and say that this week has been the longest fucking year EVER.

I am sorry that he passed away. 

Oh I should have put this in there.  He had the Bush Christmas card up in his bedroom.  My ladyboner would no longer survive such a thing. 

Summer, 1992: I’m asked by my boss to escort a candidate for a tech position to her office from the front door of our offices. I do. Over the next three years we become such good friends everyone thinks we’re dating.
Summer, 1995: we move in together (after dating for about two weeks)
Winter, 1997: reader, I married him.

Christ on a pogo stick! Didn’t I just read tonight that in areas of CA, available ICU beds are at ZERO?? FFS, THAT is why we shelter and slow the spread! Because our gop-forsaken (that’s not a typo, that’s GOP-forsaken!) healthcare industry is o.ver.worked. And there are no more beds for sick people. Please postpone

So he’s protesting not being able to go anywhere and being forced to wear a mask by...going somewhere without a mask. He might as well yell “HELP HELP I’M BEING REPRESSED” while no one with any authority or power is anywhere near him.

Where’s the cops with riot gear and teargas when you really need them?

Fuck it. If these people are as fucking stupid, ignorant, and arrogant enough to follow this wash-up then I am afraid my indifference to their suffering is justified. It’s those they cross paths with who are deserving of concern.

What Would Jesus Do? Errr...Not this. Frikkin plague rats

Same here. Someone I know got in trouble for assuming a gender when that person’s preferred pronouns were they/their, and that was a wake-up call for me as well. I’m a cis man who’s been pretty ignorant of trans issues until recently, and I think the least we can all do is exercise caution with everyone – even people

Be thankful for English, French only has very rigid he/she pronouns.

As I understand it, those are the options. Page is saying that it's fine to use either masculine or gender neutral pronouns for him.

Not exactly sure what that means here, but I assume he means that “he/him” and “they/them” are both acceptable.

I’ve personally taken to using singular “they/them” for everyone until/unless told otherwise or I figure it out. I wish English had a singular gender-neutral pronoun (other than “it”, which would work