You lost me at “your”.
You lost me at “your”.
- The National Anthem before NFL games
Wait, so we’re shitting on the Browns for not making a horrible trade, now?
That’s a whole lot to give up for shitty ass AJ McCarron
I refuse to believe this is actually real
If this report of a second and third to the Bengals is correct holy shit good job not calling it in (you idiots).
I don’t know if this has been talked about in all these stadium articles, but how does this work in other countries? I couldn’t imagine Liverpool saying they’re gonna move to whatever other city if Liverpool the city doesn’t pony up cash for new stadiums. Are international stadiums more dumpy or do owners not care as…
Dump is a bit harsh, isn’t it?
Fuck the Cubs.
Because the Girl Scouts do things like accept trans members and let you not say “God” in the pledge (although it’s still there) and don’t have hangups about gay people. I’m not sure at the moment, but as recently as the late 90s you couldn’t be an atheist and be in BSA.
Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.
Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they…
Here’s a few other things that need to be addressed. Yes, I’m a professional audio engineer.
“Can everyone hear me okay without this?” say the worst public speakers when they step up to the stage. If three…
“So this is heaven, huh Monsoon? You’d think there would be less politicians.”
Mmmm...equating this to the stadium renaming might be a bit off-base. I don’t recall ever being forwarded, “keep the Gund,” emails. Maybe I’m wrong, though.
if it were as simple as being a, “win-win,” you think they’d continue to drag their feet on this?
For everyone wondering about the distance, MLBN had a nice explanation of it. Essentially, Judge hit that ball with about the same angle you would expect for a lazy fly ball to the outfield. He just hit it with so much force that it went way higher and carried way farther than you would expect. But when it hit the…
THIS is what I’ve been screaming every since they announced the “partnership” with the city to renovate the arena. Why should the city invest in Gilbert when he hasn’t lived up to his own financial commitment to the city? Build the fucking new casino you promised, then we’ll talk Dan.
My general feeling as a native Clevelander is that public sentiment is not behind spending the money on the renovations. Quicken Loans arena is a perfectly fine venue for the Cavs. The neighborhood around it is nice. And Dan Gilbert has plenty of fucking money to pay for his own renovations. The city of Cleveland…