
Stop trying to make, “saddling” a thing! LA wants this, LA is equipped to handle it and it’s going to be super sweet so shut up now and hop on board the 5 ring circus train or we won’t invite you to the quarterfinals of the Modern Pentathlon!

Every city declares that their Olympics will be the one that bucks the model and enriches its citizenry; they’re never correct.

Every city declares that their Olympics will be the one that bucks the model and enriches its citizenry; they’re never correct.

LA will have at least 2 brand-new venues (for 2024) that are already under construction (they’ll be a few years old for 2028) or late-stage planning. LA also has historical venues (that have hosted previous olympic games) that will likely see refurbishment in the meantime, whether or not the games come to LA, and when.

Not sure about Paris, but LA might be one of the few cities that can do his without going bankrupt.

Sequels are never as good.

I’m not dismissing Mario’s contributions, nor the organizational effort required to build a winning franchise. Owners and organization members get their name on the Cup and day with the Cup, deservedly so. But in the end, it’s the players on the ice that determine the winner. The NHL is the only North American league

That photo is fake. The Stanley Cup is never in Toronto.

Can we please stop with this horseshit?

She always thinks other drivers wreck her on purpose.

So take UNC and NC State and form your own league. You can even call it the HB2.

I get your point, and I didn’t say they should have been silent but, the storm was, at that time, a severe storm, not tornadic. It could have been handled with a crawl, the warning map and even a quick break-in. It did not warrant pre-empting a highly view broadcast for full-on live team coverage.

He sort of seems like he might be kind of an asshole

Right, the NCAA states that teams with better seeds get to play closer to home. That makes sense, and is good. Cronin is saying that the teams that will sell more tickets if they play closer to home will magically end up with the better seeds, even if they don’t deserve it based on their resume.

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

I wonder what Kate’s thoughts are on speeding up the pace of play.

Ok, but what about a BJ, Upton?

Less visits to the mound.

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”