
"Shoving a desktop OS on a tablet fundamentally doesn't work. It hasn't. It won't. Ever. The smooshy, half-assed efforts to paint over them with a "touch-friendly" interface—necessary, because hey, a desktop interface doesn't work for a tablet—are typically designed by imprisoned malnourished children given boxes of

Every expansion of this new-style ThinkPad makes me more neurotic about protecting my X61. It's bad enough that I'll never get a new laptop with a 4:3 screen, now I have to worry about getting something that looks like it's from Dell business.

Does anyone know of a point and shoot with manual focus that isn't mechanized (i.e., physically adjustable like on an SLR)?

Both of these incidents are just viral advertisements for a movie sequel.

It looks nice, but I can't imagine paying $80 for a felt accessory bag. It's not even that I'm averse to spending that much money on a bag (I use this as a personal bag: [] ), but the functionality seems really limited for the price.