
Barry: Minor league baseball is probably America’s greatest invention.

I really hope that this was done intentionally by some design intern that got assigned to the project and rightfully hates Dan Snyder and the fact that the team is still named this way in 2017.

LOL @ the thought of the Bulls trading for draft assets

It’s encouraging to see Oladipo’s willing to work hard in the off season to get better. Who’s running the camp?

“Why do I need giant cards for that? I can spot a ‘Q.’ Look, there’s one there, there and there.”
“Gronk, that was a ‘g,’ an ampersand and a picture of two dogs fucking.”

Panarin’s already the better player

I wonder if your uncle would have the same response if one of his neighbors had a literal ton of shit delivered.

Can we just play through this Presidency?

He’s a putts fore doing this

...with that logic, Kershaw’s next paycheck shouldn’t mean all that much to him, right?

Weak hearts aren’t ideas.

oh get fucked... the normalization of violence happened long before the #resistance movement or ‘punching nazis’ isolated incident. this shit was a constant during obama’s presidency.

Bullshit. You start by saying you are not blaming her and then do exactly that. What makes gun crimes so common in the U.S. is our lax gun laws. It is not comedians, shock artists or violent video games. It is that nut jobs and disturbed people can obtain guns very easily in our country.

Fuck you, some nut decided to do this. It wasn’t because of Kathy Griffin.

This sounds like you’re saying don’t give crazy people ideas. The issue isn’t the ideas. It’s that some people think that those ideas are good. How do you stop them thinking those ideas are good is what should be addressed.

Billy Hamilton salivates at that picture.

“Guys, you really should’ve labeled this ‘NSFW.”


Kevin - “This course sucks!”

Tahoe, huh. What is he, the token Hispanic?