
I remember hearing an interview with the director of Do I Sound Gay? on NPR one time and he said there wasn’t any scientific data to back it up - I think because it hasn’t been studied - but since doing the movie, he started asking gay friends if they’d been to speech therapists as a kid, and a majority of them had.

Excuse me: here is my man your man!

Except AA generally does not work in the long-term in keeping someone sober.

This will probably get buried but Leslie Rasmussen and her band are headliners of the Dayton Music Art and Film Festival in September. Go to their Facebook page and tell them RAPE APOLOGISTS should not be the face of an inclusive, celebratory event.

Can we contrast the way his parents reacted though with the way that asshole Stanford student’s dad reacted? Originally he was given bail on the condition he stayed with his parents. A day or so after that happened he confessed to his mother that he was guilty. She called the police and basically told them to get him