
Coming off as deliberately contrarian at ‘best’. You’re implying you’d be interested in playing this otherwise? Then who are you ‘smiting’ with your boycott really? Bossa Studios?

Okay buddy.

Solid effort.

Nah, copyright striking as a knee-jerk to exploit Youtube’s bad automated reporting systems when it’s all kosher under Fair Use is not an excuse and is ‘scary’. If you genuinely think the devs are justified in their particular choice of action, I feel you don’t fully understand what it is they are doing.

Based on their trailer, I wouldn’t have bought it tbh. Doesn’t help that I’ve never seen nor heard of it until this article saying it’s already dead.

I mean, your controller-hyperbole in the face of one of the videos posted above really doesn’t do you much credit. Even so, I’m no melee lover, but why shut down the scene if it’s still going strong? Comes as rather bitter for no real reason.

What “usual” balancing patches are you citing for reference? This sort of iteration in response to a changing meta and new characters being added to it quite frequently is pretty standard.

Can you give some attention to the fact that more than half of the “new features” in this update just either flatout do not work, or break your savegame at this point? God help you if you actually had a decent save before the update, because none of anything’s compatible with 1.2 data now.

No mention of the plethora of literally game-breaking bugs, including but not limited to:

Really not going to win the Football v Soccer argument vs the rest of the world there buddy. The numbers are not on your side, internationally speaking. (P.S Football also came first)

Congratulations. This is exactly the attitude which has led to full price premium games being completely let off the hook when they charge you for bits of a product you’ve already bought.

“You don’t need to buy it”, “It’s just cosmetic”, “It has no effect on player power” don’t change the fact that they exist because

When you say subjective taste, are you claiming that the Scout at the top of the article could be seen as ‘better quality’ when the lighting is that haphazard?

Molineaux-esque promises abound. Definitely keeping my hype at “Expect it to be crap” levels, just to avoid another No Man’s Sky burn.

I think there’s a pretty significant difference between “Hating DLC for no reason” and “Not being happy that something like a map, or a form of fucking fast travel” are paid for DLC. I know there’s more to the first pack, but hardly something worth a fresh purchase. DLC like Witcher 3, now there’s the standard to beat.

Giant boss killing sim, where every boss is an incredibly epic puzzle to solve. Soundtrack alone is worth buying the game for, the rest is just a phenomenal bonus.

There’s ‘complaining about how hard your life is’, as you put it and then there’s speaking out on being exploited because of a lack of governance. Are you honestly against their having a union?

I think his new skin’s one of the better ones from the event tbh.

They’re live.

I don’t fault these ladies for what they’re doing at all, power to them. I do however think that anyone who actually regularly uses their services or “needs” it to enjoy the game is very strange.

“It was the last home console to use game cartridges”.

Agreed, fair play to the PoV Roadhog on a solid play.