Man, supra owners are going to have a GREAT time with toyota techs working on their BMW engines....
And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.
“Hydrogen is a wonderful fuel. It’s clean, you can put it in a tank, and the technology to make hydrogen cars is already here. The only real reason we’re not all driving hydrogen cars right now is because there’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. No one’s driving hydrogen cars, so no one wants to build the hydrogen…
I mean, you can’t really expect New New Top Gear’s first season to be great when New New Top Gear has to live up to Old New Top Gear’s reputation, as well as compete with New Non-Top Gear Top Gear and (maybe) Fifth Gear.
If 5 years after you bought a new car, the manufacturer offered to buy it back for the exact same amount you bought it for, you would be absolutely insane to not take it. Especially if that vehicle was produced illegally, which, coincidentally has destroyed the resale value of said car. But you know, I must be some…
The mention of Fangio necessarily makes me think of my grandpa.
The 4.0 capacity engine is for Chinese taxes. Stay under 4 litres and you’re end price to the consumers there is massively smaller. Mercedes switched to the 4.0 turbo V8 for the same reason. Well, Volkswagen is doing this also because it can use the same platforms than in all its other SUV junk and drivetrain…
I know, man - those cupholders are practically useless!
I’ll cry if kinja actually let’s this video play.
Haha. I am still recommending used ones to people. They’re still good cars, and now they’re even better values.
People who ask others for advice are often just looking for someone to blame if it goes wrong.
Jetta TDI.
Neutral: Know anyone that bought Ferrari stock yet?
Neutral: Know anyone that bought Ferrari stock yet?
Williams has not one, but two wind tunnels at the premises