
So you stopped watching the show because of fan comments on a website? And then you came here to a review of the show you don't watch, to comment…on the comments?

That was a great moment in the show…

They sure did, couldn't believe when they said that.

This episode did absolutely nothing for me. I had such high hopes for this series but was totally disappointed. It takes until the season finale to get any decent zombie action in? Give me a break. "But that's not what it's about…" Blah blah blah, we all know why we watch the Walking Dead.

I thought Kevin's daughter was going to respond: "Are you adopted or did your mom fuck a white guy?"

It may have been nothing, but when they panned out on the empty spring, there did seem to be a pretty large fissure. Of course we don't know if it was there before or not but still…

Great review for once, minus the left-field "elegiac" reference. Can't remember the last time I even heard that word. Excellent episode. The Leftovers definitely has that "Lost" vibe to it, where nothing ever really gets answered, but I can't stop watching anyway. Can't wait for the next episode!

You're looking for concrete answers? Did you watch season 1??

Agree 100%.

Cool story bro

Ever hear of IMDB?

Same here.

I have mixed feelings about this episode. Although the deaths of Ray and Frank were advertised early in the episode, I felt like their deaths could have been done so much better. For Frank, all he had to do was do a little slight of hand with his jacket pocket to get the diamonds, instead he got shanked and died. Lame.

That exchange confused me honestly. So, is he saying he knew who did it to her but he didn't do anything about it? Are we supposed to know who did it to her? Does she even know?

This x10000000

I'm watching for what, according to that list of guns, should be one hell of a gunfight at the money meet.

If you remember back to when they met up in the bar, he said something along the lines of, "It was good to see you, I didn't realize you'd been on my mind." I think he sees a fellow person in pain and connects with that.

I don't see the leap in logic. He didn't want to take advantage of her while she was drugged up and not herself. Later on, when they're both drinking but they obviously still have their wits around them, I don't see the issue.

D'Angelo Barksdale's mom.

Great episode! Finally starting to wrap things up. 2 audible "oh shit!" moments for me: 1.) Barksdale's mom with a hole in her chest. 2.) The ridiculous list of guns that Frank gave the bakery dudes.