
Agreed, in the first part of the scene when they showed the guard walking around in the moonlight, I literally thought to myself, "man I hope Ray and Paul don't do a Special Forces type deal in this scene." And then, boom, Paul goes all spider monkey on the guard.

Yes, I thought it didn't fit at all.

Yes, huge mansion and Paul just happens to be at the same door Ani uses? A little too convenient for my taste…

That's what I gathered, but there was no discussion of it, unless I missed something.

Fair enough, wasn't sure about that but thanks for pointing it out. Regardless, all of the reviews have had the same vibe, at least for me.

I am truly baffled by the reviewer. Every single week it's the same thing: "Season 1 was better." At some point when you watch this show, you have to throw away the idea that this has anything whatsoever to do with Season 1. The only, ONLY thing that ties them together is the name, that's it. The reviewer is

I thought the exact same thing about the birds. That was quite a stretch for me. Turned to my wife and said, "why the hell would they check that out?"

Agreed. I also think Paul's character could be a lot more interesting if they cut out some of the background stuff. He could be just as tortured and brooding if his story was just that he was involved in some bad stuff in Iraq/Afghanistan he regrets, and now he's haunted by it/has PTSD. The closeted homosexuality, the

Can't blame him for bad writing…

I thought it was odd but not necessarily out of place. I didn't think he was hitting on her either. Maybe just his way of attempting real human interaction since he's trying to clean his life up (except for booze). I thought it was also interesting how they confided to each other about their bad habits, they seem to

The part where he cleared the desk and hit it with the cudgel to show him what it could do was the single best moment of the whole episode lol

I've been a lurker on here for a while (seen some of you commenters over in the Penny Dreadful reviews) but this is my first post. I gotta say, I think this was by far the best episode this season. More character development, finally getting somewhere in the story, etc. The dialogue still feels somewhat forced in

I feel like you weren't paying very much attention then. It was very clear cut at all times where everyone else was.
