Mark Sanchez has studied this photo for several hours. And that was before he knew there was a question about missing legs.
Mark Sanchez has studied this photo for several hours. And that was before he knew there was a question about missing legs.
BTW, it may not please you to know that sex workers in poor, “developing” countries can and do organize for their rights, but it’s true! And look what they have to say about decrim! Listen to them!)
And here’s more on “supply” and “demand,” in case it interests you. Here’s one on myths about sex trafficking and sex work
Oh, honey...those are not “facts,” much less cold, hard ones.
I’m sorry, this is going to sound incredibly condescending, but what’s your education level? Because no one who knows a damn thing about research would post that link in an attempt to gain footing in an argument. That looks like an undergrad’s report on…
What I find worthwhile about the impulse, if not the execution, of this kind of feminism is taking seriously the claims of people who have experienced sexual assault. But there are some pretty simplistic ideas underpinning this version of feminism that are much more conservative than these women probably…
There’s something Salem Witch hunt-ish about this. I find it disturbing. Deeply disturbing.
Do these children know how long it takes real, tangible civil rights violations to be resolved? Do these children know that what they are doing will add fuel to the fire of right-wing Title IX haters? Do these children understand that right this very second there are women, rape victims cast out from their schools,…
Pretty dumb joke as Deadspin is owned by Gawker Media. Hinkie can't actually trade the Deadspin writers.
"I'm ready to play the biggest game of my life," Brady texted a former teammate before kickoff.
are you having a stroke?
"Failures on both sides" <—-can you explicitly state the failure on UVA's "side"? I'm not clear on what it is. No doubt that colleges, fraternities in particular, have unforgivably high incidences of that what you're referring to? It still seems like Rolling Stone reported shoddily, and though UVA did not…
-Your headline is overstated at best
Hey Anna here's how the real journalists at the Washington Post characterize this
HuffPo Headline: Rolling Stone Fact Checker Didn't Ask About Alleged Rape Victim in Emails With UVA Officials.
I think one reasons is that often, the victim is underage and may have been drinking. It is very easy to prove underage drinking (age + BAC), but difficult to prove rape. If the victim is under 21, and had any alcohol - that is a very good reason not to call the police. I think campus security is often not called…
I think Sabrina Rubin Erdely might be interested in this.
The funny thing is from everything that's come out I feel that even if Jackie had been right about everything or right about 99% of everything Rolling Stone still fucked up by setting her up to be scrutinized when clearly there was so much that Jackie and her friends were not comfortable disclosing. I mean, not only…
Schools should absolutely not give out student info to news organizations. That goes for alleged victims, alleged criminals, and alleged witnesses. That's a gross violation of the privacy rights of students. It would be a massive betrayal of trust and reflect poorly on the school if they just offered up student info…
Jezebel, and the author of this post in particular, believed the Rolling Stone story because it fit their worldview, and since they wanted it be true, they made no attempts make sure it wasn't false.