
See, now that you explain it that way, it makes perfect sense. Cancer is Communist. So are these bunions I’ve developed. Also, anyone whom I desire who will not sleep with me, probably a Commie.

Malcolm, if you’re reading this (and given both the size and the fragility of ego, I bet that you are) know this: the only thing profound about you is the breadth of your dipshittery. Trying to rationalize a defense of Sandusky and those who enabled him by delegitimizing the way his victims processed their trauma is

Without knowing anymore about that Levine study, couldn’t you argue that Spainer should have also thought that McQueary was telling the truth, too? So, if you have two conflicting ideas - a guy isn’t a pedophile and a guy IS a pedophile - wouldn’t you then be obligated to investigate and determine if a guy you have on

I’m not convinced of Ziegler’s ultimate conclusion—that Sandusky is innocent. But I do agree with him that the case is much more ambiguous and unusual than the conventional press accounts suggest.

Can I ask a simpler question of Mr. Gladwell, how does something being complicated get you off the hook? You know what is complicated? Nuclear reactors, yet we put people in charge of them and hold them responsible for the results. No more malpractice lawsuit because really heart surgery is complicated. You can’t

Like most sensible people, I haven’t read Gladwell in 10+ years, but find myself wondering: Is he a genuinely lazy and unclear thinker, or is he an intelligent opportunist who knows there is money to be made by appealing to lazy, unclear thinkers?

The “Truth-Default Theory” may be useful in explaining Gladwell’s sales numbers. People see a book and assume it must be worth reading, and then can’t admit they wasted their time when it turns out to be shit.

We’ll start with the hole-poking,

I grew up in State College, I went to school with Sandusky’s kid, the one in prison for soliciting minors. I’ve been in Sandusky’s basement. I play tackle football in Sunset Park near Joepa’s place, pretending to be Shane Conlan or DJ Dozier. I know what that town is like, and how it venerated the football program.

On the Simmons podcast Gladwell reminisced about their old email exchanges.

To be fair, I think we should withhold judgement and run that experiment just to be sure.

Malcolm Gladwell: “All I’m saying is that jet fuel can’t melt Sandusky’s penis.”

The real question, judging from that picture, is how far has Gladwell gone down the Cosmo Kramer rabbit hole?? Now that looks like a serious rabbit hole!

“We knew people had died there, but it was the ‘80s” is the best synopsis of that decade I can think of.

Other commonly used Fitzgerald email addresses:

+1 CompuServe

I’m fairly sure he’s the first to suggest that he’s too locked in on football to know what an email address is.

Just for fun, someone should tell these 40 something coaches who act like they grew up in the 1950's that being a team player is just a harbinger of becoming a full fledged socialist. It would confuse the shit out of them for a few minutes

“Listen, for the amount of money I send to the alumni association, YA DAMN RIGHT I AM WRITING PAT’S POST-GAME SCRIPTS! Now, let me tell you about the dinner I had last night with Magic & Charles.” - Wilbon

The really sad thing is he had that “my email address is hashtag I don’t care” so locked and loaded and ready to that it is clear it was a line he thought about and prepared and was waiting to throw out there, and it is just so so terrible.