“We apologize for not allowing crossplay. Unfortunately, our gamers are too busy playing our vast library of first party titles instead of the same shit that’s on every other system.”
“We apologize for not allowing crossplay. Unfortunately, our gamers are too busy playing our vast library of first party titles instead of the same shit that’s on every other system.”
Bright Lights. Montreal, Canada. By Vincenzo Spina.
NSFW? You call that NSFW? I knew Jane Goodall. And that was no naked Tom Hiddleston. There wasn’t even a decent side view of his mudflaps.
Not only that but if you fuck over your customers, say by releasing PS2 classics and then maknig them re buy them on PS4, they will get them elsewhere. PCSX2 works jsut dandy actually and I already bought that shit once digitally. Not buying it again. Sony was the best in terms of customer treatment for a long time…