
If you’re still supporting Kanye, you are the problem. End of discussion.

“Wokeness in the Military” now they’re just saying words. Using Woke like a blind man swinging his cane!

We used to sing it at my elementary school after the pledge of allegiance. 

All of these “AI” are just glorified search engines. There are no intuitive thought processes going on with any of them. 

That was my first question too. Could be some property that releases the mechanical energy that creates it as heat when it melts.

There’s a lot of “I’m not saying...” and “I don’t mean that...” either stated or implied in this article. We are way past discussing what we should be doing better when we interact with the police or whether there is racial bias in the police force (there is). There are no more “bad apples” there’s just a bad

When you consider what’s going to get skimmed off the top for local “passion projects”, over paid construction estimates, and sheer accounting shenanigans, it’s not nearly enough.

Because people can’t drive!

I think a lot of the traffic issues in the US stem from the fact that Americans don’t really value their drivers license. People think the ability to drive is some “inalienable right”. You spend 25 dollars and a drive around the block and you’re a legal driver. In many European countries, you spend up to 1500EUR and

They seems to work in every other country than the US. 

I get what you’re saying, but I’m sure there was a less “Elon’s-dick-in-your-mouth” way to say it.

I get what you’re saying, but I’m sure there was a less “Elon’s-dick-in-your-mouth” way to say it.

Somehow police unions negotiating the guilt or innocence of a police office seems outside the typical union charter.

My bar is pretty low, so as along as he hasn’t done anything AGAINST us, he’s doing OK.

The system is broken and those flaws easily manipulated. If I “donated” $100K to a police union, I would expect to never get pulled over by a cop in that union ever again. That’s how easy it is and no laws were broken.

Yup! “They-Don’t-Know (R)“ is the leaker! 

$9K? That thing wasn’t worth that new! 

I guess this is where we’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but she was a horrible human being and the world is better off with fewer horrible human beings.

Went to a D&B for the first time in my life just recently and had a great time. With that said, it’s definitely a sports bars with an arcade attached. The problem is the food is “ok”, the bar tenders are inexperienced, and the arcade is WACK! The arcade is a mix of boardwalk attractions and mobile games ported to

In a state where someone like Stacie Abrams lost to someone like Brian Kemp...twice, I’m surprised it wasn’t closer!