
I love y’all, but how is Ye going full-on nazi not a full page article yet?

For that kinda of money I can get a highly detailed replica.

I really liked Atlanta, but I feel like it’s gonna take another generation for folks to actually see all the intended “deeper meaning” to it.

Wait till they get ahold of Mark Meadows phone records. Ginny Thomas was practically in the loop.

I just can’t take this thing seriously! It looks like a child trying to draw a pickup with a ruler!

Here’s the thing. If you become a “media personality” you need to invest the time in checking your social media history and get in front of anything that would be problematic. The problem is many of these folks say shit in a social circle that accepts it, but doesn’t wash in a large scope. 

Seems like it. When it comes to P.O.C., not all skin folk are kin folk!

Yeah, this dude needs the needle. Clear definition of “danger to himself and others”.

And you all didn’t even respond when I sent you this!

And this is why we haven’t heard the end of this story.

The Transporters are not murder-clone machines. They track the exact vector of each subatomic particle in your body, decouples them in an exact pattern (using some unknown energy) and then using the “Heisenberg Compensators” recouples them in the same pattern at the distant end. You do the same thing walking from one

How often is Holden going to be in the position of saying, “I told you so” before people actually start believing him? The idea of him being right so often, yet being ignored started to lean toward to absurd toward the end of season three. How many times does the guy have to save humanity before he gets the benefit of

Animal fat. The tasted buds can be fooled by the taste and texture of most plant-based meat substitutes except animal fat (or Tallow). We can detect it every time and you may not even know what that difference is, but you know when it’s not there. Personally, I’ll hold out until lab-grown meats can work out the

I enjoyed The Boys for what it was, a world of corporate superheroes. I don’t see it as a reflection of some flaw in superheroes or the culture. The most important aspect that is lost in productions like this and the Watchman is the basic criteria that to be a superhero, you have to operate from the pure intent to

For every one roach you see, there are a thousand you don’t.  Let that sink in.

I bet Steve and Natasha have been out scouting for Avenger replacements, keeping hidden from registration enforcement.

Im sure a lot of cos-players are. It really came out of left field.

Or maybe an Open-World Marvel Action MMO?

It looks like Ebony Maw is controlling Wanda as she tortures Dr. Strange.

Since the Hulk can talk now, I imagine Banner hears Hulk in his head ridiculing him on poor smashing skills. Probably at the point where the Hulk Buster gets overrun, Banner is going to have to beg Hulk to come out, Hulk will refuse and pout at first, but then we will get the scene of him busting out of the armor.