
Ok. I’ll take it even further by suggesting the Celestials used the Soul Stone to give humans the potential for superpowers to prevent someone like Thanos from doing exactly what he’s trying to do.

This begs the question, why are there still actual people preparing the food in the first place? We know it’s coming, the first fully automated fast food restaurant. Places like McDonald’s make the exact same food, in the exact same way, at every location on the planet. This is how they maintain global standards like

I think the question is whether we are the sum of our five senses recorded from second to second? Is there a x-factor to consciousness that would make us somehow different from a simulated version of us? With this process, the only way to know is to teach an intelligent animal some complicated tricks, recreate that

I think the existential question is does that even matter?

Or Black Mirror.

Spend some billionaire money to do just that! Im not saying it have to be one or the other, but money should be spent to not just react after the damage is done.

Sure the left is out protesting, but the left isn’t just protesters, I mean the entire left. They have billionaires too that could be out buying TV stations and school curriculums. I mad that it seems all we do is protest which is good for a while, but people tend to have short memories.

What I was suggesting was that those who do have power and support the protests would be doing more in the background to counter the Koch brothers, but you don’t really hear about such a thing.

For what? For suggesting the left needs to step up their game in the light of rights insidiousness?

No plan just an observation.

I’ve got relatives with school-age children who are walking out today. I’m all for it, but on top of visual narratives, I just don’t see people like George Soros or Bill Gates making moves in the background like the Kochs. Makes me wonder how much they really care about these agendas.

It was the long-con with Gerrymandering that got them control of Congress and eventually gave the world the orange devil.

While the Left is out protesting, the right is doing this shit! Is there any wonder things never change?

Yeah I think Marvel has stopped the practice of low-balling actor salaries, so I imagine there’s a lot of cash being thrown around.

“The bombings are connected” oddly enough they just can’t seem to figure out the link. Now what could it be? /s

I second that.

I will believe it’s UFOs the first time I see Bob Lazar headline on CNN. If it’s real, that is when you will know it’s truely been outted.

I used to keep a theoretical list of the super-wealthy that I would rob for being just too shitty a human being to stay rich. The list was wide and international, but since coming back to the US, I had to give it up because to just got too damn long! But I would definately rob this MF without hesitation!

I feel like Trump had found Tillerson’s moral bottom and he had to get rid of him before going any lower. If calling the President a “Fucking Moron” isn’t enough to get you fired, there must be some truly dastardly shit coming over the horizon.

It’s cheating in as much as starting the car is taking a drive. You may just start the car to check the motor or take a drive, but you have to start it to do both.