
It’s like porn. Ask anyone and they say they don’t watch it, but it’s a multi-billion dollar industry. Somebody’s watching Anime and porn, probably both and probably in the same video.

Oh it showed in his performances in both.

Trying to prepare for a world without Stan Lee in it. It will definately be a little less “Marveluos”.


That first debate should be on pay-per-view for entertainment value.

“Gilligan never gets off the island” If you understand that, you understand all these superhero prequel shows.

Guess what those conditions will be for complete denuclearization? The removal of all US forces from the Korean peninsula. The south has it’s eyes squarely on reunification and that isn’t going to happen with 15000 US troops stations there. The south will want security assurances, so the north will have to open up for

Well it makes more sense in the context of the history of the Eternals, but that way too much baggage to add to his back story.

This is a tactic I call “Two cats in a bag”. You build a situation that has a 99% predictable outcome and then fain expectation of the 1%. “There was no way to be certain that two cats in a bag would try to kill each other”

And this is just part 1. Let that sink in.

I’d be unhappy too if I had that profile.

True! He could milk this cow for the next couple of elections, he just won’t have the Manchurian Trump in his pocket.

Here’s what happened. The Trump campain coordinated with the Russians, because at the time, they didn’t know that was a no-no, but didn’t sweat it because they thought they wouldn’t win anyway, so a few shots at Hillery from the losing side, who cares right? Well they won and now this band of morons and sycophants had

The funniest part is how clever they think they are. “Im gonna go to the press! Take that Muller!”

That’s because instead of making a brain surgeon Surgeon General, Trump thought the Black guy should be the Secretary of Ghettos.

Yeah, you first mistake was fucking with Geek Squad to begin with. How soon people forget about back in the days when people got questionable pictures developed.

A good version would make a great feature of an online Marvel Game. Imagine if you could make your own Marvel Comic with your character as the star? Just an idea.

Yeah, I was worked there for three years supporting the peace-keeping mission. The whole place was a real shit-show, especially the Russian interpretation of “peace-keeping”.

The guy literally said, “We’re going to take away your guns, screw due process” and his people just thought he was joking or something. The biggest grift was making these people think he gives a shit about them. It’s almost worth the shit-show just to see his supporters throw away their principles just to defend

What’s supposed to happen is we’re supposed to use this as an excuse to build more nukes, so that they can build up their military, build more nukes, and so on and so forth. Trump and Putin already worked out the “How to start and Arms Race for Dummies” deal and now it’s Trumps turn.